Safe Ministry

Centenary Evangelical Chruch is committed to the safety and equity of vulnerable people.

As an organisation that works with children, we are committed to the National Child Safe Principles. We seek to embed the safety of vulnerable people in organisational leadership, governance and culture. We seek to ensure that physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing for all involved.

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Our commitment

We are committed to ensuring that all our volunteers and staff are appropriately screened and trained. This includes:

  • Agreement to a Code of Conduct.
  • Referee Checks.
  • Working with Children Checks.
  • Training in how to keep vulnerable people safe.

It's important that everyone in our community, including children and young people, are informed about their rights, and participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously. Added to this, we want families and communities to be informed and involved in promoting the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable people.

Safe for all

Speak up if you're unsure

We want everyone to feel and be safe. If you have a concern about someone or something, please speak to a pastor, a leader or one of our Safe Ministry Contacts.

Alone with a child is never ok

We implement the "rule of three" (2 adults with 1 child, or 1 adult with 2 children) for safety, as it lowers the risk of incidents, with the exception of your own children.

Follow all Safe Ministry protocols

Safe Ministry considerations and guidelines are to be developed in all ministries of CEC, and followed by everyone involved in them (both leaders & participants).

Everyone is responsible

Safe Ministry is not a program of our church, or a responsibility of a few. It’s an essential element of our culture and practice, and everyone has a part to play to keep Centenary Evangelical Church safe.

    Raising concerns

    We encourage people at all levels of the organisation and in our community to report any concerns they have about the safety and wellbeing of people. We are committed to handling all concerns seriously, legally and in a child-focused way (if concerning children).

    If you have any concerns about the safety of someone at Centenary Evangelical Church we strongly encourage you to share your concern with one of our Safe Ministry Contacts:

    If you need to report an incident, please do so below.

    Report an incident

    Safe Ministry Training

    In addition to requiring all volunteers and staff to undertake training in how to keep vulnerable people save, we encourage all members of our church to also complete a "Safe Members" safe ministry training course through Safe Ministry Check.
    Safe Ministry Check