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CEC Youth

At CEC Youth, we are on about seeing the lives of young people flourish by introducing them to Jesus revealed to us in the pages of God’s Word, the Bible.

We seek to be a loving and welcoming community, where teens are given a safe and helpful space to investigate Jesus or grow in their faith.

Our prayerful hope is that all will come to trust and live for Jesus wholeheartedly now and beyond their high school years.

We welcome all youth between Grades 7 to 12. Grade 6s are welcome to join us in Term 4!

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What we do


Feeding on God's Word. A time to dig into the precious Word of God through Bible studies or talks.


Fun games and activities for youth. A time to get active, interact with each other, and have a good time!


Food is vital to life and for connection. There will be yummy food to munch on and enjoy.


Friendships, we hope, will be formed as youth get to spend time together and share their lives with one another.

Getting here

CEC Youth meets at the Old Hall of Jamboree Heights State School. Parents are welcome to drop off your child along Beanland Street.

What's happening

We meet every Friday during school term, 6:30 - 8:30pm.

4 Oct

 Term 4 Kick-Off
 Christian and the Chocolate Factory

11 Oct

 #6 The Prophesied Kingdom
Can you hear me?

*Location at Centenary Community Hub

18 Oct

 #7 The Present Kingdom
Subbed in

25 Oct

Jesus Week

1 Nov

#8 The Proclaimed Kingdom
 Wait for it...

8 Nov


15 Nov

 #9 The Perfected Kingdom + Year 12 Farewell


22 Nov

 Mystery Night

29 Nov

 Jesus Week
 Christmas Party

6 Dec

 End-of-Term Social
 Christmas Shopping

*Location at Centenary Community Hub

    Let us know you're coming!
    Download calendar (jpg)

    Your child's safety is our priority.

    All our teachers, leaders, and helpers have Blue Cards and completed Safe Ministry with Children training.
    More about Safe Ministry

    What could parents do?

    Please pray for the youth to have open and receptive hearts to God’s word, to trust in and live for Jesus wholeheartedly now and beyond high school years. Pray for our group leaders that they would be clear and faithful in teaching God’s word, and energy especially on a Friday night!

    In partnership with our team, we kindly ask that you register your child before they attend a youth group session. This helps the group leaders know who to expect for the night, any medical concerns (such as allergies) or other information that might be useful for us to help your child feel comfortable at Youth Group.

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    Got questions?

    More questions? Get in touch.